
Friday May 14, 2021
CC029: Tom & Keegan Encourage the Lurkers!
Friday May 14, 2021
Friday May 14, 2021
YOB's resident community welcomer, Keegan, joins Tom to talk about being a #LurkerNoLonger. He recounts the backstory of a voicemail he left for the YOBcast several episodes ago, and Tom’s heart soars over stories of brotherhood and beach bonfires from his former home in southern California. And the guys can't get away from this episode without talking about Keegan's now iconic welcome GIF for new community members – especially after it slaughtered Ryan's hair in March's "YOB Madness" bracket.
Theme music: "Growing Pains" by Layup, 100% clearance through Musicbed.

Friday May 07, 2021
CC028: Tom & Eugene Go to Cuddle Corner!
Friday May 07, 2021
Friday May 07, 2021
Tom welcomes back YOB’s resident artist and cuddling aficionado, Eugene, for a discussion on physical boundaries between friends. They reference both Tom’s latest blog on crossing boundaries and Eugene’s latest blog on the nature vs. nurture debate! Additionally, Tom reveals some behind the scenes magic for rectifying the technical snafu that happened during last year’s ConvoCast recording with Eugene. And the guys bounce around a new name for what to call a fan of YOB who isn’t quite a YOBBER (yet)!
- Tom's latest blog, "The First Guy I Ever Crossed Physical Boundaries With"
- Eugene's latest blog, "Nature vs. Nurture: Was I Born This Way?"
- Eugene's first ConvoCast episode: "Tom & Eugene and the Side B Capital of the World!"
- Eugene's YOB posts
- Tom's YOB posts
- Become a YOBBER!
Theme music: "Growing Pains" by Layup, 100% clearance through Musicbed.

Saturday Apr 24, 2021
YC078: Masturbation
Saturday Apr 24, 2021
Saturday Apr 24, 2021
Is masturbation sinful? What if it's done without lusting? Is masturbation "solo-sex" or "self-sex," and does it breech God's design for sexuality? What does the Bible have to say, if anything, about masturbation?
Masturbation isn't an oft discussed topic in Christian circles, with many folks describing their childhood discovery of masturbation as if they had been the first ones ever to discover such a secret bodily pleasure. As a result of this secrecy, masturbation has produced a lot of shame for men and women.
Regardless where you land on this issue, we want to break down this shame. Join Tom, Ryan, and Matt as we discuss a classic episode redone and share our vantage points on masturbation. We hope this episode gives a little more light to bless you in this journey.
We finally have a store! Head over to our new store page and get the sleek new “You Are Not Alone” diner mug, along with YOB stickers, a YOB magnet, and Tom’s first book.
We also have a new playlist featuring songs embodying our community! Search “Heart of a Brother” by Your Other Brothers on Spotify, and give us a follow as we continue to add new songs to our playlist.
Follow us on TikTok and see what in the Side B Christianity is going on!
Check out Matt's other appearances on the YOBcast, including our episodes on gay sex and hookups, and fetishes.
Keeping your comments PG-13 or below, how did you discover masturbation? Did you experience this topic discussed at home or in school? Where have you "landed" on the morality of masturbation, or is it a grey area?
Comment on our podcast episode page! We'd love to hear your thoughts on this episode.
You can call us 24/7 at 706.389.8009. We’d be thrilled to hear from you and feature your voicemail on an upcoming episode! Prefer to get in touch privately? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write to us at:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802

Friday Apr 16, 2021
CC027: Tom & Will Recite Their Favorite Poetry!
Friday Apr 16, 2021
Friday Apr 16, 2021
Will Cooper makes his debut audio appearance on the YOB Podcast Network! He traces his decision to become a pastor all the way back to childhood, and he reminisces about coming out to his church early into his joining YOB. He also brings some of his favorite poetry to share, including a poem from his YOB namesake William Cowper, as Tom also shares his favorite poem.
Enjoy the episode! And always remember: you are not alone. Even the sparrow…stays at home.
Theme music: "Growing Pains" by Layup, 100% clearance through Musicbed.

Saturday Apr 10, 2021
YC077: Church Angst
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Many folks in our community bear wounds and baggage from churches, be it local bodies or broader denominations. What do we do with our church angst? How should we rightly frame our motivations or expectations for attending church as gay or SSA-identifying folks?
Join Tom, Ryan, and Aaron as he makes his YOBcast debut, as we share our journeys of finding, connecting, and serving in the local church -- with all the hope and angst in between. We hope you enjoy the episode!
We finally have a store! Head over to our new store page and get the sleek new “You Are Not Alone” diner mug, along with YOB stickers, a YOB magnet, and Tom’s first book.
We also have a new playlist featuring songs embodying our community! Search “Heart of a Brother” by Your Other Brothers on Spotify, and give us a follow as we continue to add new songs to our playlist.
Check out Aaron's debut appearance on the ConvoCast!
What's your current level of hope or angst with the local church? Do you go to church, find connection in the church, and/or serve in the church?
Comment on our podcast episode page! We'd love to hear your thoughts on this episode.
You can call us 24/7 at 706.389.8009. We’d be thrilled to hear from you and feature your voicemail on an upcoming episode! Prefer to get in touch privately? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write to us at:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802

Friday Apr 02, 2021

Friday Mar 26, 2021
YC076: Coming Out to Your Brother w/ Andy Zuniga
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
We follow up on one of our most downloaded episodes of all-time with a sequel of sorts! After learning Jacob's coming out story with his big brother Nate, we invite Tom's younger brother Andy onto the show to learn Tom's coming out story.
Did Andy ever suspect anything about Tom's sexuality? How can straight brothers best support their gay brothers? And what does Andy think about his big brother doing this whole YOB thing?
Join Tom and Jacob, along with their brothers Andy and Nate, for a brotherly deep-dive like no other. We also have some football talk, because straight guys. We hope you enjoy the episode!
We finally have a store! Head over to our new store page and get the sleek new "You Are Not Alone" diner mug, along with YOB stickers, a YOB magnet, and Tom's first book.
We also have a new playlist featuring songs embodying our community! Search "Heart of a Brother" by Your Other Brothers on Spotify, and give us a follow as we continue to add new songs to our playlist.
Dive back into the archive and listen to our original coming out to your brother episode with Jacob and Nate.
Check out Andy's first appearance on the ConvoCast!
Have you come out to a brother or other siblings? How did those conversations go, and how have they impacted your relationships in the present day? Do you wish to come out to your brother or other siblings some day?
Comment on our podcast episode page! We'd love to hear your thoughts on this episode.
You can call us 24/7 at 706.389.8009. We’d be thrilled to hear from you and feature your voicemail on an upcoming episode! Prefer to get in touch privately? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write to us at:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802

Friday Mar 19, 2021
CC025: Tom & Ben Think People Are a Lot!
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Join us as Tom convos with one of our authors, Ben! We catch up with Ben from his last ConvoCast appearance and talk about his message on chosen family at our recently held YOBBERS retreat. We also riff about proportional haircuts, Ben’s upcoming blog on coming out to people you love, and where (and with whom) a pastor get his support. Also, who's YOB’s pastor: Ben or Will??
Enjoy the episode! And always remember: you are not alone. Even the sparrow…stays at home.
Theme music: "Growing Pains" by Layup, 100% clearance through Musicbed.

Friday Mar 12, 2021
YC075: Physical Fitness
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
The beginning of a new year often leads us to new physical fitness routines (including starting one). But so many of us have difficult relationships with working out: wounds from high school locker rooms, daunting equipment, comparing ourselves with the other men around us, and ultimately dissatisfaction with our own bodies. Are these hard things worth pushing through?
Join Tom, Ryan, and Matt for a topic Matt's been wanting to do for quite some time. We share our journeys with physical fitness from middle school to today, including how we're faring amidst this coronavirus pandemic. We talk about working out in community and our motivations for working out our bodies: is it all in the name of self-care, or are there other motivations at play? How does physical fitness translate to other areas of our lives, including loving our neighbor?
We hope you enjoy the episode! (Do a few burpees every time Matt or Ryan groans about burpees...)
What's your relationship been with physical fitness, both past and present? What motivates (or un-motivates) you from a regular physical fitness regimen? Where's the line between self-care and self-centered motivations with physical fitness?
Comment on our podcast episode page! We'd love to hear your thoughts on this episode.
We've officially launched into our new podcast schedule on our new YOB podcast network! We'll continue releasing new YOBcast episodes every other week, and we're also producing the YOB ConvoCast on those alternating weeks, featuring one-on-one conversations with our editor, Tom, and folks in and adjacent to the YOB community.
That means we're now producing two YOBcasts and two YOB ConvoCasts each month – a long-form and a short-form podcast for your listening consumption every single week!
You can call us 24/7 at 706.389.8009. We'd be thrilled to hear from you and feature your voicemail on an upcoming episode!
Prefer to get in touch privately? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write to us at:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802

Friday Mar 05, 2021
CC024: Tom & Daniel Speak Filipino Gay Slang!
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
The YOB ConvoCast continues with another 20-minute conversation! And it’s all thanks to our increased support on Patreon. Thank you, patrons!
This episode Tom convos with one of our authors, Daniel from London! We catch up with the no-longer-unsung hero of the YOB website and our recently held YOBBERS digital retreat. We hear how the pandemic is going across the pond, and Daniel teaches Tom some Filipino words and phrases — including some gay slang!
Enjoy the episode! And always remember: you are not alone. Even the sparrow…stays at home.
1. Kilig 2. Gigil 3. Portuguesa 4. Keri 5. Fezticles 6. Nakakapagpabagabag 7. Pinapahirapan mo ako! 8. Bababa ba? Bababa. 9. Pitumpu’t-pitong puting pating 10. Pitumpu’t-pitong puting bading 11. Hindi ka nag-iisa.Kahit ang maya ay nakakahanap ng tahanan.
Theme music: "Growing Pains" by Layup, 100% clearance through Musicbed.