
Friday Feb 14, 2020
YC057: Gay Sex and Hookups
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
What led to your having gay sex for the first time? Can you separate the physical from the emotional in gay sex? How many times have you had gay sex, and would you consider yourself a sex addict?
It's a throwback episode with three of our original YOB cofounders: Tom, Dean, and Matt. We talk with Matt about his journey and struggles with gay sex and hookups. It's a raw, courageous chronicling of his story as a pastor's kid – a story still being written to this day.
We also catch up with Dean and Matt from the last year or so, including Dean's recent exploits to Canada (and questionable Canadian accent) and Matt's sarcastic sense of humor (or actual disappointment) with Tom.
We’re back to producing two podcast episodes per month all year long, and we hope you enjoy our latest "classic episode" below!
We can only do what we do because of our 180+ patrons on Patreon. If you find value in this podcast and the greater work and community of Your Other Brothers, would you consider pledging monthly to our cause? Pledging even $1/month also grants you access to The YOBaLOGUE, our 30-minute monthly bonus podcast that features listener feedback, bloopers, intro riffs and tangents, and other cut content from this episode.
Check out our Patreon page below for more information!
After you listen to our latest episode, we’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to comment below your story, ask us questions, or give us feedback.
You can also call us at YOB! Leave us a message anytime at 706.389.8009. We feature listener calls on The YOBaLOGUE, and we look forward to continuing this episode’s epilogue-dialogue with our listeners.
Be sure to subscribe to our show on the podcast app of your choice so you never miss an episode. And if you enjoy our show, we’d appreciate your rating and review on Apple Podcasts!
You can rate and review The YOBcast anonymously or by whatever name you prefer in your settings; to do so, just navigate to Store – Account – Edit Nickname.
Special thanks to Phil who recently rated our show 5 stars.
We’re now up to 110 ratings/reviews on Apple Podcasts! To have triple digit reviews is such a landmark for any podcast. Thanks to all who have taken the time to rate and review us! It helps others find the show as we continue to grow.
New to the show? Wanna get in touch? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write us the old-fashioned way! We gladly accept postcards, handwritten letters, washers and dryers, and other nifty-gifties:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802
Enjoy our GAY SEX AND HOOKUPS episode! And don't forget to comment on our podcast episode page: Would you consider yourself a sex addict? Do you struggle with hookups? How have you coped or found victory in your struggles with gay sex?
We’d love to hear from you. We’re with you.
- Matt's blog, "The Reason Why I Love Sex"
- Matt's blog, "Never Guilty About All My Hookups"
- Matt's blog, "Why I Can't be a Church Leader"
- Matt's blog, "The First Time I Contracted an STD"
- Tom’s posts
- Dean's posts
- Matt's posts

Friday Jan 24, 2020
YC056: Pornography
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Do we talk about pornography too much as the Church or not nearly enough? Do we "talk about talking about" pornography or do we actually talk about it?
Pornography is more accessible than ever before and, increasingly, more aggressive. It's a struggle and an addiction that has reached and claimed all people: gay, straight, men, and women. Join Tom, Ryan, and Jacob as we take a deep dive into the science and story of pornography. It's one of our classic episodes that we're reopening in a new way.
Beyond our discussion on porn, hear about Ryan and Jacob's adventures in the "City of Forts" as well as the notion of our one day recording a podcast in . . . Florida . . . dun dun dun.
We're back to producing two podcast episodes per month, and we hope you enjoy our latest episode below!
We can only do what we do because of our 175+ patrons on Patreon. If you find value in this podcast and the greater work and community of Your Other Brothers, would you consider pledging monthly to our cause? Pledging even $1/month also grants you access to The YOBaLOGUE, our 30-minute monthly bonus podcast that features listener feedback, bloopers, intro riffs and tangents, and other cut content from this episode.
Check out our Patreon page below for more information!
After you listen to our latest episode, we’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to comment below your story, ask us questions, or give us feedback.
You can also call us at YOB! Leave us a message anytime at 706.389.8009. We feature listener calls on The YOBaLOGUE, and we look forward to continuing this episode’s epilogue-dialogue with our listeners.
Be sure to subscribe to our show on the podcast app of your choice so you never miss an episode. And if you enjoy our show, we'd appreciate your rating and review on Apple Podcasts!
You can rate and review The YOBcast anonymously or by whatever name you prefer in your settings; to do so, just navigate to Store – Account – Edit Nickname.
Special thanks to Luke who recently rated our show 5 stars.
We’re now over 100 ratings/reviews on Apple Podcasts! To have triple digit reviews is such a landmark for any podcast. Thanks to all who have taken the time to rate and review us! It helps others find the show as we continue to grow.
New to the show? Wanna get in touch? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write us the old-fashioned way! We gladly accept postcards, handwritten letters, CANDY, and other nifty-gifties:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802
Enjoy our PORNOGRAPHY episode! And don’t forget to comment on our podcast episode page. We’d love to hear from you. We’re with you.
How did you discover pornography? Is pornography use a regular struggle? How do you find triumph over pornography, accountability or otherwise?
- Fight the New Drug's PDF, "Harmful Effects of Pornography"
- Eugene's blog, "I am an Unlovable Vampire"
- Tom's blog, "I Only Watch Soft-Core Pornography"
- Tom's blog, "I'm Almost 30 and I've Never Been Kissed"
- Tom's blog, "I've Never Wanted to Have Sex with Another Man"
- Tom’s posts
- Ryan’s posts
- Jacob’s posts
- Your Other Brothers on Facebook
- Your Other Brothers on Twitter
- Your Other Brothers on Instagram
- Your Other Brothers on Patreon

Friday Jan 10, 2020
YC055: Mentors
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
In the spirit of resolutions, self-improvement, and growth in this new year, we're talking about mentors: those wise, sage-like figures who guide us through this life.
Tom, Ryan, and Jacob talk about their favorite mentors in books and movies, sharing some of their own mentorship experiences from years past. What qualities do all these figures share in common? We also discuss the concept of mentoring a new generation -- including whether we feel we're even capable of such a thing.
It's an awesome kickstart to a new year and a new decade as we recommit to producing two podcast episodes per month!
It's all thanks to our 170+ patrons on Patreon. We do what we do because of you! If you find value in this podcast and the greater network of Your Other Brothers, would you consider pledging monthly to our cause? Pledging even $1/month also grants you access to The YOBaLOGUE, our 30-minute bonus podcast that features listener feedback, bloopers, intro riffs and tangents, and other cut content from this episode.
Check out our Patreon page below for more information!
After you listen to our latest episode, we'd love to hear from you. Please feel free to comment below your story, ask us questions, or give us feedback.
You can also call us at YOB! Leave us a message anytime at 706.389.8009. We feature listener calls on The YOBaLOGUE, and we look forward to continuing this episode’s epilogue-dialogue with our listeners.
If you enjoy our show, we’d appreciate your rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You can rate and review The YOBcast anonymously or by whatever name you prefer in your settings; to do so, just navigate to Store – Account – Edit Nickname.
Be sure to subscribe to our show on the podcast app of your choice so you never miss an episode.
We’re now over 100 ratings/reviews on Apple Podcasts! To have triple digit reviews is such a landmark for any podcast. Thanks to all who have taken the time to rate and review us! It helps others find the show.
New to the show? Wanna get in touch? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write us the old-fashioned way! We gladly accept postcards, handwritten letters, vision-enhancing devices, and other nifty-gifties:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802
Enjoy our MENTORS episode! And don’t forget to comment on our podcast episode page. We’d love to hear from you. We’re with you.
Have you had any meaningful mentors in your life? Do you currently mentor somebody else or hope to do so in the future?
- Tom's 2020 "Mark" blog about boldness
- Tom's posts
- Ryan's posts
- Jacob's posts
- Your Other Brothers on Facebook
- Your Other Brothers on Twitter
- Your Other Brothers on Instagram
- Your Other Brothers on Patreon

Friday Dec 13, 2019
YC054: Holiday Singleness
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Friday Dec 13, 2019
It's an undoubtedly difficult season for many in our community, and we talk about singleness during the holidays: the disconnect, the loneliness, and the finding of hope and joy when hope and joy may feel so far away.
Tom, Ryan, and Jacob share their stories of holidays past and present, answering some listener questions along the way, including the concept of spending the holidays with chosen family versus blood family, and whether we've ever been asked if we've found that "special lady" yet.
We also talk to Jacob about his reaction to our last episode in which we featured the story of his coming out to his older brother, Nate. And since it's Christmas, Tom hands out some specially themed "love language presents" to his dear brothers. They're sure to enjoy them this Christmas.
It's our year-ending, decade-ending, holiday-themed extravaganza of a podcast!
Our current podcast production schedule is one public episode and one private episode per month, the latter available exclusively to our patrons on Patreon. Pledging even $1/month grants you access to The YOBaLOGUE, our 30-minute bonus podcast that features listener feedback, bloopers, one “brother beat” segment, and other cut content from this episode.
Check out our Patreon page below for more information!
As always, we thank our YOBBERS — financial backers of Your Other Brothers who supply our show with phenomenal content. We couldn’t produce a podcast twice monthly without our faithful YOBBERS! Your support and contributions mean so much.
You can now call YOB! Call and leave us a message anytime at 706.389.8009.
Ask us a question, comment on this HOLIDAY SINGLENESS episode, give us feedback, or tell us a story! We feature listener calls on The YOBaLOGUE, and we look forward to continuing this episode’s epilogue/dialogue with our listeners.
If you enjoy our show, we’d appreciate your rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You can rate and review The YOBcast anonymously or by whatever name you prefer in your settings; to do so, just navigate to Store – Account – Edit Nickname.
Special thanks to Randal for his supportive rating and review! Be sure to subscribe to our show on the podcast app of your choice so you never miss an episode.
We’re now over 100 ratings/reviews on Apple Podcasts! To have triple digit reviews is such a landmark for any podcast. Thanks to all who have taken the time to rate and review us! It helps others find the show.
New to the show? Wanna get in touch? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write us the old-fashioned way! We gladly accept postcards, handwritten letters, egg nog (please, none of that fat-free nonsense), and other nifty-gifties:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802
Enjoy our HOLIDAY SINGLENESS episode! And don’t forget to comment/vent on our podcast episode page. We'd love to hear from you. We're with you.
How do you feel about the holidays this year? Has it changed any from previous years? In what active ways can we healthily practice both lament and joy this holiday season?
- Our last episode with Jacob's older brother, Nate
- Tom’s posts
- Ryan’s posts
- Jacob’s posts
- Your Other Brothers on Patreon
- Your Other Brothers on Facebook
- Your Other Brothers on Twitter
- Your Other Brothers on Instagram

Friday Oct 11, 2019
YC052: Chosen Family
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Friday Oct 11, 2019
For better or worse, we all start with families of origin. But what of this concept of families of choice? A chosen family that goes beyond blood and DNA?
Join Tom, Ryan, and Jacob for a discussion on chosen family: what it means for the LGBTQ+ community, what it means for believers in Christ, and what it means for this overlap of communities like YOB, Revoice, and beyond.
Beyond our awesome conversation on chosen family, it's a special episode for other reasons: our first episode back in the "Jewel of the Blue Ridge" in over a year! We talk about responding to mystery texts and sleepwalking episodes in Ryan's and Jacob's "shameless shares," and Tom and Ryan talk about their recent adventure to Montana together.
Our current podcast production schedule is one public episode and one private episode per month, the latter available exclusively to our patrons on Patreon. Pledging even $1/month grants you access to The YOBaLOGUE, our 30-minute bonus podcast that features listener feedback, bloopers, one “brother beat” segment, and other cut content from this episode.
Check out our Patreon page for more information!
As always, we thank our YOBBERS — financial backers of Your Other Brothers who supply our show with phenomenal content. We couldn’t produce a podcast twice monthly without our faithful YOBBERS! Your support and contributions mean so much.
You can now call YOB! Call and leave us a message anytime at 706.389.8009.
Ask us a question, comment on this CHOSEN FAMILY episode, give us feedback, or tell us a story! We feature listener calls on The YOBaLOGUE, and we look forward to continuing this episode’s epilogue/dialogue with our listeners.
If you enjoy our show, we’d appreciate your rating and review on iTunes. You can rate and review The YOBcast anonymously or by whatever name you prefer in your iTunes settings; to do so, just navigate to Store – Account – Edit Nickname.
Every iTunes rating/review helps us extend our reach even further. Subscribe to our show on the podcast app of your choice so you never miss an episode!
We're now over 100 ratings/reviews on Apple Podcasts! How awesome. Thanks to all who have taken the time to rate and review our little show! It helps us get noticed in a huge way. To have triple digit reviews is such a landmark for any podcast.
Special thanks to nicknames87 for her recent rating/review!
New to the show? Wanna get in touch? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write us the old-fashioned way! We gladly accept postcards, handwritten letters, coupons for escape rooms, and other nifty-gifties:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802
Enjoy our CHOSEN FAMILY episode! And don't forget to comment on our podcast episode page:
How familiar are you with this term, "chosen family"? Do you have people in your life you'd consider your chosen family, and vice versa? Is the concept of a longterm chosen family something that inspires or worries you?
- Pew Research poll on LGBTQ+ American adults
- A Better Balance poll on LGBTQ+ American adults
- Maura Ryan's article on Slate: "Why the potluck is one of the most enduring and beautiful ways queer people make family"
- Jacob's post: "Fully Known and Fully Loved"
- Tom’s posts
- Ryan’s posts
- Jacob’s posts
- Jacob's slaughtered orchid (RIP)

Friday Sep 06, 2019
YC051: Attachment Styles w/ Taylor Zimmerman
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Friday Sep 06, 2019
We're diving deeper into emotional attachment with special guest, Taylor Zimmerman! Taylor's blogged at Spiritual Friendship and spoken at Revoice. He's a University of Chicago student currently pursuing his third (3rd!) master's degree with interests in philosophy of religion, theology, and psychoanalysis — and how they all come together.
Taylor talks to us about attachment theory and the four attachment styles: secure, ambivalent-preoccupied, dismissing-avoidant, and fearful-avoidant.
It's the deepest we've ever doven on this topic, a fascinating psychological exploration into why we attach to other men the ways we do as gay/SSA (same-sex attracted) men, sharing our relational stories along the way. We also close the episode talking about arousal we may experience when attaching to those we love and what it means for the friendship.
Additionally, Tom, Ryan, and Jacob catch up on the last month! Ryan rode a train to Connecticut, Jacob rode a boat in Alaska, and Tom continued living out of his car while shedding pink calamine scales. We also share our "triumphant tidbits" involving vacation styles (chill or action-packed?) and the last times we felt mighty.
Finally, Jacob gets a special surprise in the form of a knock at his door that you won't want to miss.
Our current podcast production schedule is one public episode and one private episode per month, the latter available exclusively to our patrons on Patreon. Pledging even $1/month grants you access to The YOBaLOGUE, our 30-minute bonus podcast that features listener feedback, bloopers, one “brother beat” segment, and other cut content from this episode.
Check out our Patreon page for more information!
As always, we thank our YOBBERS — financial backers of Your Other Brothers who supply our show with phenomenal content. We couldn’t produce a podcast twice monthly without our faithful YOBBERS! Your support and contributions mean so much.
You can now call YOB! Call and leave us a message anytime at 706.389.8009.
Ask us a question, comment on this ATTACHMENT STYLES episode, give us feedback, or tell us a story! We feature listener calls on The YOBaLOGUE, and we look forward to continuing this episode’s epilogue/dialogue with our listeners.
If you enjoy our show, we'd appreciate your rating and review on iTunes. You can rate and review The YOBcast anonymously or by whatever name you prefer in your iTunes settings; to do so, just navigate to Store – Account – Edit Nickname.
Every iTunes rating/review helps us extend our reach even further. Subscribe to our show on the podcast app of your choice so you never miss an episode!
We finally hit 100 ratings/reviews on Apple Podcasts! How awesome. Thanks to all who have taken the time to rate and review our little show! It helps us get noticed in a huge way. To have triple digit reviews is such a landmark for any podcast.
Special thanks to EduCat for his recent rating/review!
New to the show? Wanna get in touch? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write us the old-fashioned way! We gladly accept postcards, handwritten letters, carabiners, and other nifty-gifties:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802
Enjoy our ATTACHMENT STYLES episode! And don't forget to comment on our podcast episode page.
What is your primary attachment style? Does it vary depending on the person or type of person (male, female, straight, gay, etc.?) to whom you're attaching?
- Our "Emotional Attachment" podcast
- Taylor Zimmerman's "Gay Men and Falling in Love" blog series on Spiritual Friendship: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- Taylor's book recommendation: Attachments: Why You Love, Feel, and Act the Way You Do
- Tom’s posts
- Ryan’s posts
- Jacob’s posts

Friday Aug 02, 2019
YC050: Emotional Attachment
Friday Aug 02, 2019
Friday Aug 02, 2019
We're back! After a brief summer hiatus, we return with our landmark fiftieth episode.
Join Tom, Ryan, and Jacob sharing stories of emotional attachment: the good ways we attach to other men, and the not-so-good ways we attach.
We open the episode by catching up on our summer trips and activities, and Tom gives some clarifications from our previous episode on "Letting Go." We also have our "manly morsel" segment (it's always been called that), talking about Jacob's shame of Grubhub and what Ryan should do on his upcoming long train ride.
We then dive into our discussion on emotional attachment. It's a callback to a previous episode on emotional dependency (or "emodep," though Ryan doesn't exactly like that nickname). We differentiate between "dependency" and "attachment" and share both our positive and negative experiences in relationship with other men.
Our current podcast production schedule is one public episode and one private episode per month, the latter available exclusively to our patrons on Patreon. Pledging even $1/month grants you access to The YOBaLOGUE, our 30-minute bonus podcast that features listener feedback, bloopers, one “brother beat” segment, and other cut content from this episode.
Check out our Patreon page for more information!
As always, we thank our YOBBERS — financial backers of Your Other Brothers who supply our show with phenomenal content. We couldn’t produce a podcast twice monthly without our faithful YOBBERS! Your support and contributions mean so much.
You can now call YOB! Call and leave us a message anytime at 706.389.8009.
Ask us a question, comment on this EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT episode, give us feedback, or tell us a story! We feature listener calls on The YOBaLOGUE, and we look forward to continuing this episode’s epilogue/dialogue with our listeners.
If you enjoy our show, we’d appreciate your rating and review on iTunes. You can rate and review The YOBcast anonymously or by whatever name you prefer in your iTunes settings; to do so, just navigate to Store – Account – Edit Nickname.
Every iTunes rating/review helps us extend our reach even further. Subscribe to our show on the podcast app of your choice so you never miss an episode!
Thanks to the ninety-plus (90+!) of you who have already rated and reviewed our show on iTunes. Help us get to 100 ratings/reviews this year!
New to the show? Wanna get in touch? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write us the old-fashioned way! We gladly accept postcards, handwritten letters, and other nifty-gifties:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802
Enjoy our EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT episode! And don’t forget to comment on our website: How have you experienced attachment with other men, both healthily and unhealthily? Have you seen an unhealthy attachment in one friendship effect a healthier one in another?

Friday May 10, 2019
YC049: Letting Go
Friday May 10, 2019
Friday May 10, 2019
Pull up a chair as Tom talks about the recent decision to remove our first 39 podcast episodes.
Join Tom, Ryan, Jacob, and Dean for a vulnerable conversation on letting go. Letting go of people, letting go of the past, and letting go of the future. Because if we can't let go of old things, how can we ever let new things in?
Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, we talk about Tom's Lenten "masturbation cleanse," his recent trip to a monastery, the "perfect friend date," and possibly rebranding our new hit intro segment, "The Brother Beat"?
Our current podcast production schedule is one public episode and one private episode per month, the latter available exclusively to our patrons on Patreon. Pledging even $1/month grants you access to The YOBaLOGUE, our 30-minute bonus podcast that features listener feedback, bloopers, one “brother beat” segment, and other cut content from this episode.
Check out our Patreon page for more information!
As always, we thank our YOBBERS — financial backers of Your Other Brothers who supply our show with phenomenal content. We couldn’t produce a podcast twice monthly without our faithful YOBBERS! Your support and contributions mean so much.
You can now call YOB! Call and leave us a message anytime at 706.389.8009.
Ask us a question, comment on this LETTING GO episode, give us feedback, or tell us a story! We feature listener calls on The YOBaLOGUE, and we look forward to continuing this episode’s epilogue/dialogue with our listeners.
If you enjoy our show, we’d appreciate your rating and review on iTunes. You can rate and review The YOBcast anonymously or by whatever name you prefer in your iTunes settings; to do so, just navigate to Store – Account – Edit Nickname.
Every iTunes rating/review helps us extend our reach even further. Subscribe to our show on the podcast app of your choice so you never miss an episode!
Thanks to the ninety-plus (90+!) of you who have already rated and reviewed our show on iTunes. Help us get to 100 ratings/reviews this year!
New to the show? Wanna get in touch? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write us the old-fashioned way! We gladly accept postcards, handwritten letters, workout gloves, and other nifty-gifties:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802
Enjoy our LETTING GO episode! And don’t forget to comment on our podcast episode page.
What's something difficult you've had to let go of? What newness did your letting go allow in? What would you call the "Brother Beat" segment?

Friday Apr 12, 2019
YC048: More Intimacy
Friday Apr 12, 2019
Friday Apr 12, 2019
What happens when intimacy with another fails to fulfill or runs out altogether? Can we ever ask for more intimacy? Can we trust again when intimacy is lost?
Join Tom, Ryan, and Jacob in the second of our two-part discussion on intimacy. We revisit last month's episode with an insightful listener comment about spiritual intimacy as well as a response on same-sex intimacy from one of our straight male listeners!
We share more of our most meaningful intimacy stories, including how one particular moment with Ryan and Jacob is one for Tom's intimacy "trophy case." We also start the episode with some "brother beats" on fatherhood and ... underwear! What could be more fittingly intimate?
Our current podcast production schedule is one public episode and one private episode per month, the latter available exclusively to our patrons on Patreon. Pledging even $1/month grants you access to The YOBaLOGUE, our 30-minute bonus podcast that features listener feedback, bloopers, one "brother beat" segment, and other cut content from this episode.
Check out our Patreon page for more information!
As always, we thank our YOBBERS — financial backers of Your Other Brothers who supply our show with phenomenal content. We couldn’t produce a podcast twice monthly without our faithful YOBBERS! Your support and contributions mean so much.
You can now call YOB! Call and leave us a message anytime at 706.389.8009.
Ask us a question, comment on this MORE INTIMACY episode, give us feedback, or tell us a story! We feature listener calls on The YOBaLOGUE, and we look forward to continuing this episode’s epilogue/dialogue with our listeners.
If you enjoy our show, we’d appreciate your rating and review on iTunes. You can rate and review The YOBcast anonymously or by whatever name you prefer in your iTunes settings; to do so, just navigate to Store – Account – Edit Nickname.
Every iTunes rating/review helps us extend our reach even further. Subscribe to our show on the podcast app of your choice so you never miss an episode!
Thanks to the ninety-plus (90+!) of you who have already rated and reviewed our show on iTunes. Help us get to 100 ratings/reviews this year!
New to the show? Wanna get in touch? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write us the old-fashioned way! We gladly accept postcards, handwritten letters, birdhouses, and other nifty-gifties:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802
Enjoy our MORE INTIMACY episode! And don't forget to comment on our podcast episode page.
How have you seen healthy intimacy either cross boundaries or disintegrate altogether? Have you lost any hope for future intimacy with another?
- Our "Intimacy" podcast
- Ryan's post, "The Male Imprints Left on Us"
- Jacob's post, "What I Find at the End of Myself"
- Scary Close by Donald Miller
- Tom’s posts
- Ryan’s posts
- Jacob’s posts

Friday Mar 15, 2019
YC047: Intimacy
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Intimacy is scary, and intimacy is vulnerable. Intimacy can be shared or rejected. Intimacy is special and sacred, and intimacy is everyday. Intimacy is sexual and emotional, physical and spiritual.
Join Tom, Ryan, and Jacob in the first of a two-part deep dive into intimacy. The brothers define intimacy, likening it to a fire, discussing the differences and nuances between intimacy and vulnerability. They also talk about their first forays into intimacy many years ago and what the cornerstone of their most intimate relationships has been.
The episode opens with some banter about last month's #WeirdJesus episode, along with some "brother beats" on fasting for Lent and something called the "heart-f***"??
Our current podcast production schedule is one public episode and one private episode per month, the latter available exclusively to our patrons on Patreon. Pledging even $1/month grants you access to The YOBaLOGUE, our 30-minute bonus podcast that features listener feedback, bloopers, one "brother beat" segment, and other cut content from this episode.
Check out our Patreon page for more information!
As always, we thank our YOBBERS — financial backers of Your Other Brothers who supply our show with phenomenal content. We couldn't produce a podcast twice monthly without our faithful YOBBERS! Your support and contributions mean so much.
You can now call YOB! Call and leave us a message anytime at 706.389.8009. Ask us a question, comment on this INTIMACY episode, give us feedback, or tell us a story! We feature listener calls on The YOBaLOGUE, and we look forward to continuing this episode’s epilogue/dialogue with our listeners.
If you enjoy our show, we'd appreciate your rating and review on iTunes. You can rate and review The YOBcast anonymously or by whatever name you prefer in your iTunes settings; to do so, just navigate to Store – Account – Edit Nickname.
Every iTunes rating/review helps us extend our reach even further. Subscribe to our show on the podcast app of your choice so you never miss an episode!
Thanks to the ninety-plus (90+!) of you who have already rated and reviewed our show on iTunes. Help us get to 100 ratings/reviews this year!
New to the show? Wanna get in touch? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write us the old-fashioned way! We gladly accept postcards, handwritten letters, woodworking glue, and other nifty-gifties:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802
Enjoy our INTIMACY episode! And don’t forget to comment on our podcast episode page.
How do you experience healthy same-sex intimacy? When did you first experience intimacy with a friend?
- Tom's post: "I'm Giving Up Masturbation for Lent"
- Scary Close by Donald Miller
- Tom’s posts
- Ryan’s posts
- Jacob's posts