
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
CC007: Tom & Eugene and the Side B Capital of the World!
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Tom welcomes first-timer Eugene to the podcast to talk about writing some of YOB's most engaging blogs, his artistic process, losing his job amid the coronavirus pandemic, and the invaluable connections he's made through YOB and other outlets in St. Louis: the Side B capital of the world!
Join us these next few weeks during the coronavirus pandemic for more 20-minute bite-sized conversations with members of the YOB and "YOB-adjacent" community. We hope these little episodes bring you even a dash of joy.
Remember: you are not alone! Even the sparrow stays at home.
- Your Other Brothers on Facebook
- Your Other Brothers on Twitter
- Your Other Brothers on Instagram
- Your Other Brothers on YouTube
- Your Other Brothers on Patreon

Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
CC006: Tom & Daniel Zoom Across the Pond!
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Tom welcomes new-ish author, Daniel, to the YOB airwaves for the first time! Daniel shares about life in the UK during this coronavirus pandemic and how his family is doing in the Philippines. The guys also talk about how "Side B" folks are uniquely prepared for something like this pandemic and how our mission of loving God and loving people has never been clearer.
Join us these next few weeks during the coronavirus pandemic for more 20-minute bite-sized conversations with members of the YOB and "YOB-adjacent" community. We hope these little episodes bring you even a dash of joy.
Remember: you are not alone! Even the sparrow stays at home.
- Your Other Brothers on Facebook
- Your Other Brothers on Twitter
- Your Other Brothers on Instagram
- Your Other Brothers on YouTube
- Your Other Brothers on Patreon

Monday Apr 06, 2020
CC005: Tom & Andy Barely Escaped New Orleans!
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Tom welcomes his little brother, Andy, to talk about his favorite brotherhood movies, pandemic impacts on his girlfriend and other relationships, as well as a recounting of a recent family trip to New Orleans just as coronavirus was infiltrating the city.
Join us these next few weeks during the coronavirus pandemic for more 20-minute bite-sized conversations with members of the YOB and “YOB-adjacent” community. We hope these little episodes bring you even a dash of joy.
Remember: you are not alone! Even the sparrow stays at home.
- Your Other Brothers on Facebook
- Your Other Brothers on Twitter
- Your Other Brothers on Instagram
- Your Other Brothers on YouTube
- Your Other Brothers on Patreon

Friday Apr 03, 2020
CC004: Tom & Dean Remember How They Met!
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Tom finishes out this first week of our new ConvoCast by welcoming back another OG YOB author, Dean, who recounts his flights around the country during this pandemic. The guys also talk about the church's role during these hard times and how something beautiful could be carried over into the "new normal" to come. In the episode's remaining minutes, Tom and Dean also recount how they first met and if Dean ever replaced Tom as a member of Tom's family?
Join us these next few weeks during the coronavirus pandemic for more 20-minute bite-sized conversations with members of the YOB and “YOB-adjacent” community. We hope these little episodes bring you even a dash of joy.
Remember: you are not alone! Even the sparrow stays at home.
- Your Other Brothers on Facebook
- Your Other Brothers on Twitter
- Your Other Brothers on Instagram
- Your Other Brothers on YouTube
- Your Other Brothers on Patreon

Thursday Apr 02, 2020
CC003: Tom & Matt Go Boarding!
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Tom welcomes back another OG YOB author, Matt, to talk about how coronavirus life is affecting him on the other side of the country. There’s been some tragedy but also some hope. Tom also promises to follow in Matt’s literal footsteps and go longboarding very soon.
Join us these next few weeks during the coronavirus pandemic for more 20-minute bite-sized conversations with members of the YOB and "YOB-adjacent" community. We hope these little episodes bring you even a dash of joy.
Remember: you are not alone! Even the sparrow stays at home.
- Your Other Brothers blog
- Your Other Brothers on Facebook
- Your Other Brothers on Twitter
- Your Other Brothers on Instagram
- Your Other Brothers on YouTube
- Your Other Brothers on Patreon

Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
CC002: Tom & Marshall Go to Seattle!
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tom welcomes back OG YOB author, Marshall, for a catchup on his life these last few months living on a farm with over a dozen people. They also chit-chat about Seattle and the splendor of Mt. Rainier, as well as the importance of community, now more than ever, during this coronavirus era.
Join us these next few weeks during the coronavirus pandemic for more 20-minute bite-sized conversations with members of the YOB and "YOB-adjacent" community. We hope these little episodes bring you even a dash of joy.
Remember: you are not alone! Even the sparrow stays at home.
- Your Other Brothers blog
- Your Other Brothers on Facebook
- Your Other Brothers on Twitter
- Your Other Brothers on Instagram
- Your Other Brothers on YouTube
- Your Other Brothers on Patreon

Monday Mar 30, 2020
CC001: Tom & Nate and the Mousey Elephant!
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Tom kicks off this new semi-daily spinoff podcast with former YOBcast guest, Nate! We talk how coronavirus is affecting us, including the breaking down of our to-do lists and routines as God continues to move. Tom also shows Nate his recent driveway chalk art for some artistic critique, and we barely get into discussing "Tiger King."
Join us these next few weeks during the coronavirus pandemic for more 20-minute bite-sized conversations with members of the YOB and "YOB-adjacent" community. We hope these little episodes bring you even a dash of joy.
Remember: you are not alone! Even the sparrow stays at home.
- Your Other Brothers blog
- Your Other Brothers on Facebook
- Your Other Brothers on Twitter
- Your Other Brothers on Instagram
- Your Other Brothers on YouTube
- Your Other Brothers on Patreon

Friday Mar 27, 2020
YC060: Fear
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic has consumed the planet. In this time of widespread uncertainty, how do we not be afraid? What other things in life cause us dread?
Join Tom, Ryan, and Jacob for what's sure to be a "time capsule" of a podcast. We dive into how the current coronavirus crisis is affecting our daily lives, and we also cast the conversation beyond this pandemic -- starting with our relational fears, and then spreading to fears for our sexuality and spiritual fears.
Namely, we ask this question: is Jesus enough? What if He isn't?
We hope you enjoy our latest episode below: FEAR.
We can only do what we do because of our 180+ patrons on Patreon. If you find value in this podcast and the greater work and community of Your Other Brothers, would you consider pledging monthly to our cause? Pledging even $1/month also grants you access to The YOBaLOGUE, our 30-minute monthly bonus podcast that features listener feedback, bloopers, intro riffs and tangents, and other cut content from this episode.
Check out our Patreon page below for more information!
After you listen to our latest episode, we’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to comment below your story, ask us questions, or give us feedback.
You can also call us at YOB! Leave us a message anytime at 706.389.8009. We feature listener calls on The YOBaLOGUE, and we look forward to continuing this episode’s epilogue-dialogue with our listeners.
Be sure to subscribe to our show on the podcast app of your choice so you never miss an episode. And if you enjoy our show, we’d appreciate your rating and review on Apple Podcasts! You can rate and review us anonymously or by whatever nickname you prefer in your settings.
Huge thanks to tsimonds for the 5-star review!
We’re now up to 110+ ratings/reviews on Apple Podcasts! To have triple digit reviews is such a landmark for any podcast. Thanks to all who have taken the time to rate and review us! It helps others find the show as we continue to grow.
New to the show? Wanna get in touch? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write us the old-fashioned way! We gladly accept postcards, handwritten letters, Brazilian Wandering Spiders (in cages), and other nifty-gifties:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802
Enjoy our FEAR episode! And don’t forget to comment on our podcast episode page. We’d love to hear from you. We’re with you.
What anxieties or fears do you feel during this coronavirus pandemic? What relational, sexual, or spiritual fears do you face frequently? How do you overcome your fears?
- Brazilian Wandering Spider info!
- That Sounds Fun podcast with Annie F. Downs
- Tom’s posts
- Ryan’s posts
- Jacob's posts

Friday Mar 13, 2020
YC059: Favorite Blogs!
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
We've written over 300 blogs here at YOB since 2015, and we gathered four of our site's authors to discuss our favorite ones -- recorded in front of a couple dozen people, no less.
That's right, it's our first-ever LIVE recorded podcast with a digital audience! We invited our Patreon supporters on Facebook to watch and participate in the discussion with comments and questions for this episode's cast: Tom, Ryan, Dean, and Matt.
It's a real "Avengers" gathering as each of us reads our personal favorite blog for the cast and YOBBERS to discuss. We also mention our blogs that have garnered the most views these last four years, and Tom and Matt share lots of fun-loving "big brother" moments together.
We hope you enjoy our latest episode: FAVORITE BLOGS!
We can only do what we do because of our 180+ patrons on Patreon. If you find value in this podcast and the greater work and community of Your Other Brothers, would you consider pledging monthly to our cause? Pledging even $1/month also grants you access to The YOBaLOGUE, our 30-minute monthly bonus podcast that features listener feedback, bloopers, intro riffs and tangents, and other cut content from this episode.
Check out our Patreon page below for more information!
After you listen to our latest episode, we’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to comment below your story, ask us questions, or give us feedback.
You can also call us at YOB! Leave us a message anytime at 706.389.8009. We feature listener calls on The YOBaLOGUE, and we look forward to continuing this episode’s epilogue-dialogue with our listeners.
Be sure to subscribe to our show on the podcast app of your choice so you never miss an episode. And if you enjoy our show, we’d appreciate your rating and review on Apple Podcasts! You can rate and review us anonymously or by whatever nickname you prefer in your settings.
We’re now up to 110+ ratings/reviews on Apple Podcasts! To have triple digit reviews is such a landmark for any podcast. Thanks to all who have taken the time to rate and review us! It helps others find the show as we continue to grow.
New to the show? Wanna get in touch? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write us the old-fashioned way! We gladly accept postcards, handwritten letters, blogs, and other nifty-gifties:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802
Enjoy our FAVORITE BLOGS episode! And don’t forget to comment on our podcast episode page. We’d love to hear from you. We’re with you.
What are your favorite blogs on YOB? Did you enjoy this LIVE episode, and do you have any other ideas for live recordings?
- YOB's blog hub
- Dean's #4 favorite blog: "Why I Want to be LGBT"
- Dean's #3 favorite blog: "Permission to Read Our Stories"
- Dean's #2 favorite blog: "Joy After Gay Sex"
- Dean's #1 favorite and most-viewed blog: "Real Men Don't Take Baths"
- Ryan's most-viewed blog: "My Battle With Male Body Image"
- Ryan's favorite blog: "SHIRTLESS POOL WRESTLING!!!"
- Matt's most-viewed blog: "Looking for a Generous Guy"
- Matt's favorite blog: "I Like a Girl?"
- Tom's most-viewed blog: "Why I'm Afraid to Take Off My Shirt"
- Tom's favorite blog: "I've Always Wanted a Big Brother"
- Tom’s posts
- Ryan’s posts
- Jacob’s posts

Friday Feb 28, 2020
YC058: Loneliness v. Solitude
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Have you ever felt lonely within your sexuality? Do you choose loneliness or does loneliness choose you? Extroverted or introverted, do you embrace regular solitude, treating it as a spiritual practice?
Join Tom, Ryan, and Jacob for a discussion on the divergence of loneliness and solitude. We talk about the healthy and not-so-healthy ways we cope with loneliness and how we seek out solitude. Additionally, we talk about the dynamic of living alone or with others as single gay/SSA men, forecasting our living situations for the decades to come.
We also dive into Tom's Valentine's Day solo excursion to a brand new Enneagram-centric photo studio. Because of course he did.
We hope you enjoy our latest episode: LONELINESS V. SOLITUDE!
We can only do what we do because of our 180+ patrons on Patreon. If you find value in this podcast and the greater work and community of Your Other Brothers, would you consider pledging monthly to our cause? Pledging even $1/month also grants you access to The YOBaLOGUE, our 30-minute monthly bonus podcast that features listener feedback, bloopers, intro riffs and tangents, and other cut content from this episode.
Check out our Patreon page below for more information!
After you listen to our latest episode, we’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to comment below your story, ask us questions, or give us feedback.
You can also call us at YOB! Leave us a message anytime at 706.389.8009. We feature listener calls on The YOBaLOGUE, and we look forward to continuing this episode’s epilogue-dialogue with our listeners.
Be sure to subscribe to our show on the podcast app of your choice so you never miss an episode. And if you enjoy our show, we’d appreciate your rating and review on Apple Podcasts! You can rate and review us anonymously or by whatever nickname you prefer in your settings.
We’re now up to 110+ ratings/reviews on Apple Podcasts! To have triple digit reviews is such a landmark for any podcast. Thanks to all who have taken the time to rate and review us! It helps others find the show as we continue to grow.
New to the show? Wanna get in touch? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write us the old-fashioned way! We gladly accept postcards, handwritten letters, chocolates, and other nifty-gifties:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802
Enjoy our LONELINESS V. SOLITUDE episode! And don’t forget to comment on our podcast episode page. We’d love to hear from you. We’re with you.
Do you feel lonely within your sexuality? How do you intentionally seek out solitude from others and regular time with the Lord?
- Wesley Ayers's website and Patreon
- Enneagraph Portrait Studio
- Tom's posts
- Ryan's posts
- Jacob's posts
- Your Other Brothers on Facebook
- Your Other Brothers on Twitter
- Your Other Brothers on Instagram
- Your Other Brothers on Patreon