
Friday Feb 26, 2021
YC074: Belonging w/ Gregory Coles
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Gregory Coles joins us for a conversation on belonging as we discuss his new book, No Longer Strangers: Finding Belonging in a World of Alienation. We learn some of Greg’s story, growing up as a missionary’s kid in Indonesia, and his winding journey of geographical and cultural belonging in the United States.
We also talk to Greg about the aftermath of coming out in his first book, Single, Gay, Christian, including the beauty and challenges that decision has brought him. We dive into the Jesus-inspired concept of bringing belonging to others, and how sexual minorities may find belonging in the Church.
Join Tom, Ryan, Jacob, and Greg for this "sweet" discussion, and come belong with us!
- Gregory Coles's new book: No Longer Strangers
- Greg's first book: Single, Gay, Christian
- Follow Greg on Twitter: @TheGregoryColes
How do you feel when you hear the word belonging? Does it conjure up a sense of home or a sense of longing? How have you struggled or succeeded to belong in the Church?
Comment on our podcast episode page! We'd love to hear your thoughts on this episode.
We've officially launched into our new podcast schedule on our new YOB podcast network! We'll continue releasing new YOBcast episodes every other week, and we're also producing the YOB ConvoCast on those alternating weeks, featuring one-on-one conversations with our editor, Tom, and folks in and adjacent to the YOB community.
That means we're now producing two YOBcasts and two YOB ConvoCasts each month – a long-form and a short-form podcast for your listening consumption every single week!
You can call us 24/7 at 706.389.8009. We'd be thrilled to hear from you and feature your voicemail on an upcoming episode!
Prefer to get in touch privately? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write to us at:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802

Friday Feb 19, 2021
CC023: Tom & Aaron Lie Back and Look at the Sky!
Friday Feb 19, 2021
Friday Feb 19, 2021
The YOB ConvoCast returns after nearly a year away! And it's all thanks to our increasing support on Patreon. Thank you, patrons!
To kick things off again with these 20-minute one-on-one episodes, Tom talks to one of our newer authors and a first-time podcast guest: Aaron! Tom recounts one of his favorite memories with Aaron while walking through the Minneapolis sculpture garden. The two also talk about home ownership as Aaron prepares to buy his first home! And we discover the unique reason Aaron even joined YOB in the first place several years ago.
Enjoy the episode! And always remember: you are not alone. Even the sparrow...stays at home.
Theme music: "Growing Pains" by Layup, 100% clearance through Musicbed.

Friday Feb 12, 2021
YC073: Gender Identity w/ Preston Sprinkle
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Gender identity isn't something we've been brave enough to tackle on our podcast -- until now.
Join Tom, Ryan, and Jacob as we welcome Dr. Preston Sprinkle to the show to talk about his new book, Embodied: Transgender Identities, the Church, and What the Bible Has to Say. We talk about the challenge and hospitality of using people's pronouns, the layered concept of what some would say it means to be "truly trans*," the spectrum of gender dysphoria, masculine and feminine stereotypes, intersex people, and how the Church can do better.
It's our first episode of 2021, and we're so glad to be back! We hope this special guest episode is worth the wait of our long winter break while we revamped our website.
We're officially kicking off our new podcast schedule on our new podcast network with the release of this episode! We'll continue releasing new YOBcast episodes every other week, and we're also bringing back the YOB ConvoCast, featuring one-on-one conversations with our editor, Tom, and members/supporters of the YOB community.
That means we're now producing two YOBcasts and two YOB ConvoCasts each month -- a long-form and a short-form podcast for your listening consumption every single week!
- Preston Sprinkle's new book: Embodied
- Preston Sprinkle's book: People to be Loved
- Preston Sprinkle's new website: Christian Sexuality
- Preston Sprinkle on Twitter
- Preston Sprinkle on Instagram
- Preston Sprinkle on Patreon
Do you experience gender dysphoria or identify as trans*? Have you questioned your gender identity or felt like "less of" a man or woman? Did you learn anything previously not known or understood from our conversation with Preston Sprinkle? Do you have any trans* people in your life, and how can the Church be better?
Comment on our podcast episode page!
You can call us 24/7 at 706.389.8009. We'd really love to hear from you and feature your story on an upcoming episode!
Prefer to get in touch privately? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write to us at:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802

Friday Dec 18, 2020
YC072: Holiday Spectacular!
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
It's our last episode of 2020! AKA the most phenomenal year that ever was. Join Tom, Ryan, Jacob, and returning guest Nate for a fun, nonspecifically topical, yet holiday-themed episode with discussions like our favorite (and least favorite) Christmas carols and when is the proper time to start (and stop) playing Christmas music.
We also dive a little deeper by determining the identities of our own personal ghosts of Christmases past, present, and future and what lessons we’d learn from them, along with our individual recaps of 2020 as we fill in the blank after the hashtag: #2020WasTheYear.
- Tom's #Tentsgiving interview in The New York Times
Check out our podcast episode page for more stories, and consider contributing your own!
What's your favorite and least favorite Christmas carol? When should Christmas music start and stop? Who would be your own personal ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future, and what lessons would they teach you? And finally, how would you complete the hashtag, #2020WasTheYear ?
You can call us 24/7 at 706.389.8009. We'd really love to hear from you and feature your story on an upcoming episode!
Prefer to get in touch privately? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write to us at:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802

Friday Dec 04, 2020
YC071: Intentional Community w/ Pieter Valk
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Pieter Valk joins us for a discussion on monastic or intentional community, with particular regard to his Nashville Family of Brothers. We talk about the logistics of living under one roof with fellow single celibate male believers: what happens every week, who's in charge, how do you join, and how long do you stay?
We also dive deeper into the practice of living intentionally under the same roof with other men: the joys and the challenges. What do you do if you develop emotional or sexual attractions for other men in your longterm living space, or how do you even take a chance on intentional community to begin with if you've been wounded by communities in the past?
Join Tom, Ryan, Jacob, and our special guest Pieter for a conversation that's gaining traction in our little "Side B" community: sharing a home and a future with fellow believers of the same sex, not just for a season or two, but for the long haul. Through every season.
- Pieter Valk's Christianity Today article: "The Case for Vocational Singleness"
- Pieter Valk's intentional community, Nashville Family of Brothers
- Pieter Valk's ministry, EQUIP
- Follow Pieter Valk on Twitter and Instagram
We just launched a monthly BOOK CLUB for our $15/mo Patreon supporters! We recently gathered to discuss Henri Nouwen’s The Return of the Prodigal Son, and we’re reading C.S. Lewis’s The Horse and His Boy for December. If you’re already signed up for this tier, get to reading! And if you still wish to join the fun, there’s still plenty of time to become a patron today.
We're also launching a digital retreat for our faithful supporters next weekend, and we'd love to have you there! All the info can also be found on our Patreon.
Check out our podcast episode page for more stories, and consider contributing your own!
Have you taken part in intentional community, and if so how did that play out? What intrigues you, scares you, or otherwise prompts any emotional reactions to this notion of intentional or monastic community? Do you see shared vocational singleness as a viable option for the rest of your life?
You can call us 24/7 at 706.389.8009. We'd really love to hear from you and feature your story on an upcoming episode!
Prefer to get in touch privately? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write to us at:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802
- Your Other Brothers on Facebook
- Your Other Brothers on Twitter
- Your Other Brothers on Instagram
- Your Other Brothers on YouTube
- Your Other Brothers on Patreon

Friday Nov 20, 2020
YC070: Attraction
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
What even is attraction? Is it only physical, sexual, and romantic? Or is it something more? Something that can be platonic yet intimate, something more nuanced and layered?
Join Tom, Ryan, and Jacob for a discussion on attraction: the varying types of attraction, the difference between physical and sexual attraction, and whether it’s okay to experience attraction – even romantic – for your friends.
- The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen
We just launched a monthly BOOK CLUB for our $15/mo Patreon supporters! We recently gathered to discuss The Velvet Rage for October, and we're now reading Henri Nouwen's The Return of the Prodigal Son for November. If you’re already signed up for this tier, get to reading! And if you still wish to join the fun, there’s still plenty of time to become a patron today.
Check out our podcast episode page for more stories, and consider contributing your own!
How do you define attraction? Do you experience any form of attraction for your friends, and if so how do you maintain proper boundaries or communication about said attraction with them?
You can call us 24/7 at 706.389.8009. We'd really love to hear from you and feature your story on an upcoming episode!
Prefer to get in touch privately? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write to us at:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802

Friday Nov 06, 2020
YC069: Fetishes
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
For years a certain topic has been on the YOBcast radar. But it would be a deep dive like no other. Finally, we're taking the time to talk about sexual fetishes.
Disclaimer: this episode may not be for everyone as we list some fetishes in an effort to give context to the topic. Listen at your own discretion.
Join Tom, Dean, and Matt for our long anticipated conversation on fetishes. We start with the word's definitions and fascinating linguistic origins, and we acknowledge whether we have any fetishes. We then talk about the roots of our fetishes, if they even exist, and keeping proper boundaries in talking about our fetishes along with any attached shame.
- The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen
- Tom's blog: "The Fetish I Can't Talk About"
- YOBcast 057: Gay Sex & Hookups
- Jay Stringer's article: "What Your Sexual Fantasies (Might) Say About You, Part 1"
We just launched a monthly BOOK CLUB for our $15/mo Patreon supporters! We recently gathered to discuss The Velvet Rage for October, and we're now reading Henri Nouwen's The Return of the Prodigal Son for November. If you’re already signed up for this tier, get to reading! And if you still wish to join the fun, there’s still plenty of time to become a patron today.
Check out our podcast episode page for more stories, and consider contributing your own!
Without spelling them out for us, do you have any fetishes? Are you able to trace any of your fetishes' origins, and do any of them bring you shame or idolization? Are you able to talk about your secret fantasies or fixations with other people?
You can call us 24/7 at 706.389.8009. We'd really love to hear from you and feature your story on an upcoming episode!
Prefer to get in touch privately? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write to us at:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802

Saturday Oct 24, 2020
YC068: Coming Out
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
October is LGBT History Month, and October 11th is National Coming Out Day. What better time than now to share some of our coming out stories?
Join Tom, Ryan, and Jacob for a discussion on their coming out journeys, including how we first came out to ourselves, to God, and ultimately to others. We also give some coming out advice to those who are selectively out or still in the closet altogether.
- The Velvet Rage by Alan Downs
- The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen
- Jacob's intro blog: "Fully Known and Fully Loved"
- Tom's YouTube video: "Coming Out to Myself – 14 Years Later"
We just launched a monthly BOOK CLUB for our $15/mo Patreon supporters! We recently gathered to discuss The Velvet Rage for October, and we're reading Henri Nouwen's The Return of the Prodigal Son for November. If you’re already signed up for this tier, get to reading! And if you still wish to join the fun, there’s still plenty of time to become a patron today.
Check out our podcast episode page for more stories, and consider contributing your own!
Have you had a distinct coming out experience? Are you selectively out to others or completely in the closet?
You can call us 24/7 at 706.389.8009. We'd really love to hear from you and feature your story on an upcoming episode!
Prefer to get in touch privately? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write to us at:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802

Friday Oct 09, 2020
YC067: "Side A" Friends Q&A
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
We're back to answer some amazing YOBBERS questions from our "Side A" Friends podcast from a few episodes back. Join Tom, Dean, and Matt for another deep dive into the world of "Side A" friendships: that is, those friendships with fellow LGBT+ believers who hold an affirming view of same-sex sexual relationships.
Some questions we tackle in this follow-up episode include: Would you go to a Side A friend's gay wedding? How would you pursue Side B friendship if you were the one who is Side A? And how do we apply Paul's words on sexual immorality in 1 Corinthians 5 to the modern church?
- YOBcast Episode 062: "Side A" Friends
- YOBcast Episode 065: Loving LGBT+ People w/ Bill Henson
- Matt's post: "Straight Edge in a Gay World"
- The Velvet Rage by Alan Downs
- Leading a Church in a Time of Sexual Questioning by Bruce B. Miller
We’re launching a brand new monthly BOOK CLUB for our $15/mo Patreon supporters! We’re reading The Velvet Rage for October. If you’re already signed up for this tier, get to reading! And if you still wish to join the fun, there’s still plenty of time to become a patron today.
Check out our podcast episode page for more stories, and consider contributing your own!
What are some blessings or challenges you face in pursuing or building "Side A" friendships? Do you have any other questions (or answers) on this topic? Tell us a story if you'd be so bold . . .
You can call us 24/7 at 706.389.8009. We'd really love to hear from you and feature your story on an upcoming episode!
Prefer to get in touch privately? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write to us at:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802

Friday Sep 25, 2020
YC066: Manliness
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Friday Sep 25, 2020
When do you feel manly? When do you feel not at all manly? Is "manliness" even something worth pursuing?
Join Tom, Ryan, and Jacob for a return to one of our "classic" episodes in which we discuss opening pickle jars, killing cockroaches, camping out, working out, owning a home, and so much more on this simultaneously shallow and deep topic of manliness. We also dive into the deep end and discuss childhood wounds from PE and exclusions from men's events -- things that affected our budding sense of masculine belonging.
Finally, we can't help ourselves from diving into a little book that's made the rounds in Christian men's circles ... for better or worse or maybe a little of both ... Wild at Heart.
How does "manliness" differ from "masculinity," and what examples from Scripture can we point to and lean on as we pursue healthy masculinity?
Check out our podcast episode page for more stories, and consider contributing your own!
When do you feel the most or least manly? Is manliness something you want to pursue? Tell us a story if you'd be so bold . . .
You can call us 24/7 at 706.389.8009. We'd really love to hear from you and feature your story on an upcoming episode!
Prefer to get in touch privately? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write to us at:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802