
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
YC084: Mountaintops & Valleys
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
And we're back! After a summer retreat that reunited our supporters after two and a half years away, we return with a brand new YOBcast – with more episodes on the way! This episode we're talking about mountaintops and valleys: those proverbial "everything is bold and clear" and "everything is long and dark" seasons of life.
Coming off a YOBBERS retreat is a mountaintop experience for many in our community. How do we come back from experiences like that? And what are some other mountaintop moments we've experienced beyond YOB?
Join Tom, Ryan, Aaron, and Ben for this storytelling episode!
➡️ Tom's YOBBERS retreat blog: "What Your Other Brothers is All About"
➡️ Aaron's YOBBERS retreat blog: "To Unite and Cheer On One Another in Our Burdens"
➡️ Eugene's YOBBERS retreat blog: "Sick of Gay Men No Longer?"
➡️ Ben's YOBBERS retreat blog: "Why Go on a Gay Men's Christian Retreat?"
➡️ What are some of the peaks and valleys you've witnessed and endured? What have you learned, and what's still hard?
➡️ https://www.yourotherbrothers.com/2021/10/01/yobcast-084-mountaintops-valleys/
➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/your-other-brothers-podcast/id1142011465
➡️ Tom’s posts: https://www.yourotherbrothers.com/author/tom/
➡️ Ryan’s posts: https://www.yourotherbrothers.com/author/ryan/
➡️ Aaron's posts: https://www.yourotherbrothers.com/author/aaron/
➡️ Ben's posts: https://www.yourotherbrothers.com/author/ben/
📞 Call the YOBline: 706.389.8009
📧 Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
✉️ Mail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802
➡️ Join our Patreon community! http://patreon.com/yourotherbros
➡️ Shop the YOB Store! https://store.yourotherbrothers.com
➡️ Give a one-time gift: https://linktr.ee/yourotherbros
➡️ Facebook: http://facebook.com/yourotherbros
➡️ Twitter: http://twitter.com/yourotherbros
➡️ Instagram: http://instagram.com/yourotherbros
➡️ YouTube: http://youtube.com/yourotherbrothers
➡️ TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@yourotherbros
➡️ “Heart of a Brother” Spotify playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9_-P-9jAEy3Ise3zagEOWdnpdlyAcuaW
➡️ “The Best is Yet to Come” by Tim Halperin; 100% clearance through Musicbed.
➡️ "Born Again" by Cory Asbury; 100% clearance through Musicbed.

Monday Jul 26, 2021
YC083: Covenant Friendship w/ Dr. Paul Eddy
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Dr. Paul Eddy of Bethel University joins us for our "season finale" of sorts to discuss covenant – particularly the covenant of friendship. Paul lays out the components of covenant, including terms and signs and witnesses, and translates this particular covenant to the grander scheme of God's eternal covenant with His people.
Afterward Tom, Ryan, and Aaron "debrief" the discussion: do we desire covenant friendships in our lives, or how likely do they seem? What are the draws and challenges of covenant friendship, and should we as gay/SSA believers be concerned about the perception of such friendships?
Have you experienced the bond of covenant friendship? Do you desire covenant friendship, or does such a bond intimidate you or concern you at all?
Comment on our podcast episode page! We'd love to hear your thoughts.
You can call us 24/7 at 706.389.8009. We’d be thrilled to hear from you and feature your voicemail on an upcoming episode! Prefer to get in touch privately? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write to us at:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802

Friday Jul 16, 2021
CC033: Tom & Nate Get Profane About Character Flaws!
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
In our season finale Tom welcomes back the "Steve Martin" of YOB podcast guests, Nate! Nate catches us up on life as a traveling artist with his giant suitcase of chalk, and he spearheads a conversation on profanity. How have our Christian upbringings impacted our approach to profanity, and is it ever okay for believers to use certain words? We also dive into character flaws and whether we can ever fully overcome those certain traits that come hardest for us. Finally, will Nate ever come back for another YOB podcast? Stay tuned for the season finale cliffhanger!
Theme music: "Growing Pains" by Layup, 100% clearance through Musicbed.

Friday Jul 09, 2021
CC032: Tom & Marshall Move for the People!
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Tom welcomes back Marshall after a long YOB hiatus! They chat about delicious gourmet pop-tarts, and Marshall catches us up on life post-pandemic, including losing his father. The guys also talk about spiritual family, growing older and staying single, and moving multiple times around the country more for community than careers.
Theme music: "Growing Pains" by Layup, 100% clearance through Musicbed.

Saturday Jul 03, 2021
YC082: Men's Fashion
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Is fashion just for women, or can men enjoy fashion too? Is it "gay" or "metrosexual" to dress well or put a certain amount of effort into our wardrobe choices? How did we dress ourselves through adolescence, and what impacts how we dress ourselves today?
Join Tom, Ryan, and Matt for a particular podcast topic Matt has been wanting us to discuss for years. We hope you enjoy the episode!
Find your personal fashion "color season"!
We're holding our first in-person YOBBERS retreat in over two years! Email Tom for any information on joining our amazing community, whether you want to partake in our retreat or otherwise: tom@yourotherbrothers.com
What goes into your fashion choices (or lack thereof) as a man? Do you ever worry about "looking gay" or "too gay"? How has your fashion journey evolved from adolescence to today?
Comment on our podcast episode page! We'd love to hear your thoughts.
You can call us 24/7 at 706.389.8009. We’d be thrilled to hear from you and feature your voicemail on an upcoming episode! Prefer to get in touch privately? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write to us at:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802

Friday Jun 25, 2021
CC031: Tom & Kevin Wanna Go Back to Camp!
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Tom welcomes back Kevin into the proverbial podcast studio for the first time in YEARS! They discuss his recent departure from the Jewel of the Blue Ridge, and then they talk about camp the whole episode. Going to camp. Growing at camp. Working at camp. Even kids who used to go to our camps who now work at camp. They linger on this question: would we ever work (or go to?) camp again?!
Theme music: "Growing Pains" by Layup, 100% clearance through Musicbed.

Saturday Jun 19, 2021
YC081: Pride Month
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
June is widely recognized as LGBT+ Pride Month. How do we as Jesus-followers engage with Pride Month – or is it even ours to engage with? How do we participate or spectate this month as gay/SSA believers with a traditional sexual ethic? Is there a place for us at this table and a space for us to be proud?
Join Tom, Ryan, and Aaron for a discussion on Pride Month. Have we ever been to Pride, or would we ever go to Pride? And what would be our motivations for doing so?
Our collaborative blog from 2018: "Can Christians Celebrate Pride Month?"
A response to our blog: "A Note to Churches During Pride: If You're Not LGBTQ-Affirming, Keep Your Water"
What objections from fellow believers have you faced with regard to your sexuality? How have you handled these objections, or do you still struggle to overcome them?
Comment on our podcast episode page! We'd love to hear your thoughts.
You can call us 24/7 at 706.389.8009. We’d be thrilled to hear from you and feature your voicemail on an upcoming episode! Prefer to get in touch privately? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write to us at:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802

Saturday Jun 05, 2021
CC030: Tom & Matt Process Grief
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Tom welcomes back longtime YOB blogger, podcaster, and resident "sexpert" Matt for a deep dive into death, grief, and how these difficult seasons either shape us or harden us. They also give some love to fellow YOB brother Dean, the bizarre adult playground-museum that is Meow Wolf, and Tom's (almost 40-year-old) virginity.
Theme music: "Growing Pains" by Layup, 100% clearance through Musicbed.

Saturday May 29, 2021
YC080:"Side B" Objections
Saturday May 29, 2021
Saturday May 29, 2021
"Don't call yourself gay"; "don't have gay friends"; "pray harder for God to change you"; "act more manly"; "keep dating women until you find the right one." As sexual minorities, we often face objections from within our own faith, from fellow believers -- be they peers, parents, or pastors. How do we respond when we face objections for our sexuality? How do we move forward through the resistance?
Join Tom and YOBcast newcomers Pastor Ben and Pastor Will as we dive into some common "Side B" objections. And as we reaffirm to one another and to you that you are not alone in whatever spiritual objections you face.
Listen to our new "Heart of a Brother" playlist with songs embodying our community -- on Spotify and now on YouTube!
Will's blog, "We Need a New Masculine Narrative."
What objections from fellow believers have you faced with regard to your sexuality? How have you handled these objections, or do you still struggle to overcome them?
Comment on our podcast episode page! We'd love to hear your thoughts on this episode.
You can call us 24/7 at 706.389.8009. We’d be thrilled to hear from you and feature your voicemail on an upcoming episode! Prefer to get in touch privately? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write to us at:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802

Saturday May 22, 2021
YC079: Love Languages & Sexuality
Saturday May 22, 2021
Saturday May 22, 2021
How does our sexuality impact the way we give and receive love from others, particularly other men? Why do quality time and physical touch rank high in our community? And where is the line between expressing the love we need and manipulating others with our love language of choice?
Join Tom, Ryan, and Aaron as we examine the five languages like never before through the lens of our sexuality: acts of service, gifts, words of affirmation, quality time, and physical touch.
Take the official 5 love languages quiz that we discuss on the show!
Tom's blog about receiving meaningful love with a friend in the park.
Listen to our new playlist featuring songs embodying our community! Search “Heart of a Brother” by Your Other Brothers on Spotify, and follow us as we add new songs to our playlist.
What are your primary love languages, and which ones don't land as easily? Have you manipulated others by any of the love languages, and how have you seen your love languages change across seasons of your life?
Comment on our podcast episode page! We'd love to hear your thoughts on this episode.
You can call us 24/7 at 706.389.8009. We’d be thrilled to hear from you and feature your voicemail on an upcoming episode! Prefer to get in touch privately? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com
You can also write to us at:
Your Other Brothers
P.O. Box 843
Asheville, NC 28802